Posts tagged: Eriko Makimura

JAPANESE CHAMBER CABRET at Julius Hus in Stockholm

Eriko Makimura presents JAPANESE CHAMBER CABARET, a concert performance with guest performer, Yoshiaki Iwao at Julius Hus in Stockholm on the 11th and 12th of November.


(photo and graphic: Taeko Kasama)



The award-winning, Japanese classical pianist Eriko Makimura, challenges to express the Japanese domestic contradictory phenomenon throughout a dramatic and unique experimental approach to the classic concert format. As a woman who grew up and received super strict education in Japan and has lived in Europe for more than 15 years, she observes with her third eye Japanese current social situation as an insider and outsider.

Guest performer/dancer Yoshiaki Iwao will represent the present-day man, who suffers from the disconnect of being a traditional Japanese male, and the social expectations of the 21st century.


“Running a family is like a business: a manufacture industry”, said a friend of mine. Education costs a lot, as Japan is still an academic background-oriented society. Kids go to cram school after public/private school and study there till midnight. A lot of after school activities are also required. Parents are extremely busy driving them all around. Hiring babysitters is not very common yet in my home country, so if women want to work, the only choice is to ask grandparents to take care of the kids.

The birth rate is dropping severely due to these conditions. Speaking of grandparents, families are supposed to take care of them at home when they get older. Japanese average life span is the longest in the world, but it doesn’t mean that old people live healthily in their later years.

A statistic says that approximately 7,2 million females are wives in Japan. Statistically it shows that Japanese women’s social positions are rather low in comparison to other countries and the Japanese government is encouraging women’s participation in society which doesn’t seem to be working so well.

Yet, despite of all the demands and social pressure, are Japanese women unhappy to be housewives? Isn’t it their choice to be a housewife?

Outside of Japan insists that equality between men and women is a necessary and sufficient condition. However, in Japan, all the house-hold responsibilities, including economical part, is under control of women. Men receive little pocket money from their wives, even though most of income is supplied by men.

Very much looking forward to seeing all of you at Julius Hus in Stockholm!!!


Julius Hus   Bondegatan 21A, Stockhom


【Dates and Time】

11th of November (Sat.) 19:00 (doors: 18:30)

12th of November (Sun.) 15:00 (doors: 14:30)





Eriko Makimura presents Concert Performance “JAPANESE CHAMBER CABARET”.

Venue: Dome of  Visions

Guest Performer: Yoshiaki Iwao

All photos by Helle Arensbak



Eriko Makimura er japansk pianist og sammen med din danser fortæller de om tidens trends i Japan gennem musik og dans.

Eriko Makimura er japansk pianist og sammen med din danser fortæller de om tidens trends i Japan gennem musik og dans.









More photos by Helle Arensback here:

Dome of Visions:





Dome of Visions:
Inge Lehmanns Gade 2, Pier 2 Haven, Aarhus, Denmark


5月17日(水) 20:00-21:45

5月18日(木) 20:00-21:45

5月17日 (20:00開演)

5月28日 (20:00開演)



数々の国際コンクールで優勝を果たしてきたピアニスト牧村英里子の企画・原作による、コンサートパフォーマンス「JAPANESE CHAMBER CABARET」。ゲストとして、ダンサー巖良明を迎えます。

今年2017年は、日本・デンマークの外交関係樹立150周年にあたります。「Dome of Visions」は、数々の国際コンクールで優勝を征してきた日本人ピアニスト牧村英里子を、今年欧州文化首都に選出されたデンマークのオーフスでの2夜連続コンサートパフォーマンスに招聘します。クラシックコンサートの形式をベースとして、日本の文化、歴史、そして今現在の社会現象に、ピアニストでパフォーマーでもある牧村英里子はドラマティックかつ独自の実験的パフォーマンスに満ちたアプローチで切り込んでいきます。











E.サティ: グノシエンヌ第4番

S. プロコフィエフ: 舞踏会に向かうシンデレラ

F. ショパン: ワルツ第1番 作品18番

牧村英里子: マゾキスティック・タンゴ

E. サティ: グノシエンヌ第1番


F. ジェフスキー: ウィンズボロ・コットンミル・ブルース


シャーマンズ (JAPANESE CHAMBER CABARET 或る日本の家庭の場合)

H.カウエル: 3つのアイルランドの伝説

牧村英里子: サディスティック・タンゴ

A. ゴスフィルド: ブルックリン、1941年10月5日

F. ショパン: ピアノソナタ第3番より、第3, 4楽章

I. ストラヴィンスキー/牧村英里子: 愛する人の虐殺


Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Japan-Denmark diplomatic relations in 2017 official event
2017年 日本・デンマーク外交関係樹立150周年公式認定イベント




Concert Performance “Japanese Chamber Cabaret”

Eriko Makimura er japansk pianist og sammen med din danser fortæller de om tidens trends i Japan gennem musik og dans.

Eriko Makimura er japansk pianist og sammen med din danser fortæller de om tidens trends i Japan gennem musik og dans.

(Photo by Helle Arensbak)

【Eriko Makimura presents Japanese Chamber Cabaret】

In English: (Danish text below)

Eriko Makimura presents Japanese Chamber Cabaret, a concert performance with guest performer, Yoshiaki Iwao.

The award-winning, Japanese classical pianist Eriko Makimura, challenges to expresses the Japanese domestic contradictory phenomenon throughout a dramatic and unique experimental approach to the classic concert format. As a woman who grew up and received super strict education in Japan and has lived in Europe for more than 15 years, she observes with her third eye Japanese current social situation as an insider and outsider.

Guest performer/dancer Yoshiaki Iwao will represent the present-day man, who suffers from the disconnect of being a traditional Japanese male, and the social expectations of the 21st century.

・Japanese Chamber Cabaret・

“Running a family is like a business: a manufacture industry”, a Japanese friend of pianist Eriko Makimura said. Education costs a lot, as Japan is still an academic background-oriented society. Kids go to cram school after public/private school and study there till midnight. A lot of after school activities are also required. Parents are super busy driving them all around. Hiring babysitters is not very common yet in Japan, so if women want to work, the only choice is to ask grandparents to take care of the kids.

The birth rate is dropping severely due to these conditions. Speaking of grandparents, families are supposed to take care of them at home, when they get older. Japanese average life span is the longest, but it doesn’t mean, that old people live healthily in their later years.

A statistic says that approximately 7,2 million females are full time housewives in Japan. Statistically it says that Japanese women’s social positions are rather low in comparison to other countries and the Japanese government is encouraging women’s participation in society which doesn’t seem to be working so well.


Yet, despite of all the demands and social pressure, are Japanese women unhappy to be housewives? Isn’t it their choice to be a housewife?

Outside of Japan insists that equality between men and women is a necessary and sufficient condition. However, in Japan, all the house-hold responsibilities, including economical part, is under control of women. Men receive little pocket money from their wives, even though most of income is supplied by men.

Very much looking forward to seeing all of you in Dome of Visions!

Eriko Makimura/Pianist


in Danish:

Eriko Makimura præsenterer Japanese Chamber Cabaret, en koncertperformance med gæsteperformer og danser, Yoshiaki Iwao.

Den prisbelønnede, japanske klassiske pianist, Eriko Makimura, udfordrer og udtrykker det japanske indenlandske selvmodsigende fænomen gennem sin dramatiske og unikt eksperimenterende tilgang til det klassiske koncertformat. Som en kvinde, der voksede op og tog en streng uddannelse i Japan og har boet i Europa i mere end 15 år, observerer hun med sit tredje øje den aktuelle japanske sociale virkelighed som både insider og outsider.

Gæsteperformer og danser, Yoshiaki Iwao, vil repræsentere den aktuelle samtidsmand, der lider under at være frakoblet den traditionelle japanske mand og det 21. århundredes sociale forventninger.

・Japanese Chamber Cabaret・

“Running a family is like a business: a manufacture industry”, sagde en japansk ven af pianisten Eriko Makimura. Uddannelse koster meget, da Japan stadig er et samfund, der er orienteret mod at have en akademisk baggrund. Børn går på skole efter skole og studerer der helt indtil midnat. Der kræves også en masse aktiviteter efter skoletid. Forældre har travlt med at køre børn rundt alle vegne! Brug af babysittere er ikke særlig almindelig i Japan – endnu, så hvis kvinderne ønsker at arbejde, er den eneste mulighed at spørge, om bedsteforældrene vil tage sig af børnene.

Fødselstallet i Japan er alvorligt faldende på grund af disse forhold. Og a propos bedsteforældrene, så er det meningen, at familien skal tage sig af dem derhjemme, når de selv bliver ældre. Den japanske, gennemsnitlige levetid er meget lang, men det betyder ikke, at ældre mennesker lever sundt i deres senere år.

Cirka 7,2 millioner kvinder i Japan er husmødre. Statistisk betyder det, at japanske kvinders sociale position er temmelig lav sammenlignet med andre lande. Den japanske regering forsøger at fremme kvinders deltagelse i samfundet, men det lader ikke til at virke efter hensigten.

Alligevel, trods de mange krav og det sociale pres, er japanske kvinder så ulykkelige over at være husmødre? Er det ikke deres valg at være husmor?

Uden for Japans grænser fastholder man, at ligestilling mellem mænd og kvinder er en nødvendighed og en tilstrækkelig betingelse. Men i Japan er alle ansvarsområderne i husstanden, herunder den økonomiske del, kontrolleret af kvinder. Mændene får lidt lommepenge fra deres koner, selvom størstedelen af indkomsten leveres af mændene.

Eriko Makimura vil udfolde dette japanske indenlandske selvmodsigende fænomen gennem en performativt, teknisk og dramatisk koncertperformance.


Eriko Makimura/Pianist


【The Dates】17th and 18th of May, 2017 at 20:00


【Dome of Visions page】
17th of May:
18th of May:

【More Info about Eriko Makimura and Yoshiaki Iwao】


●1st half●

E. Satie: Gnossienne No.4 (Music Box)

S. Prokofiev: Cinderella going to the Ball

F. Chopin: Waltz No.1

E. Makimura: Masochistic Tango

E. Satie: Gnossienne No.1

Fire Worship

F. Rzewski: Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues


●Second Half●

Shamans (Japanese Chamber Cabaret)

H. Cowell: Three Irish Legends

E. Makimura: Sadistic Tango

A. Gosfield: Brooklyn, October 5, 1941

F. Chopin: the 3rd and the 4th movements from Piano Sonata No.3

I. Stravinsky/E. Makimura: Massacre du mon mari

Millions Thanks to photographer Yuji Nakayama and Taeko Kasama!!!


Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Japan-Denmark diplomatic relations in 2017 official event
2017年 日本・デンマーク外交関係樹立150周年公式認定イベント




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