Posts tagged: ENVY



Do not enter the room behind my back.

My husband is penetrating his mistress to make our inheritor. I do everything in order to maintain our aristocratic family continuity. How do I feel? The dumbest question ever. Obey what I say or you will be beheaded. 

Do not enter.



Weirdly her genital is placed in the face by nature in her bones. She is shy so that her secret must be hidden behind the holy lotus leaf.

However,we know that when the flower is in full bloom,she becomes nymphomaniac and the time for disaster approaches.


It wasn’t you. The devil made you do it. What you have to do is to soak your hand in River Styx. The water is crystal clean. As clean as his blood. You just murdered him for insurance money. You will find an innocent person to falsely accuse.


My dear, we as rich parents put a bow on you to draw attention from your ugly face.

Since you turn sweet eighteen today,we would give you 10,000 dollars so that you can undergo plastic surgery. 

My dear,it is easy. It is damn easy to solve them all. 


Such a pitiful sinner. You are born to be eaten. You are irresistibly delicious. Especially the brain. After I suck and bleed you white,I will cremate your shell and bring it home as ashes. As my memento.



That is why the public telephones were green,screamingly green,hysterically green, identically green.

I kept feeding coins into a phone. But the green box vomited all the coins I threw.

“The number you have called is no longer in service.”

Green with envy. 

photos: Taeko Kasama

texts: Eriko Makimura

Koncertperformance “MISUNDELSE”



【Koncertperformance “MISUNDELSE”(ENVY) 】

【in English】



ENVY. One of the most hopeless and uncontrollable human emotions. Closely related to JEALOUSY.

In this 21st century, society allows us to express our physical and emotional desires. Anger, pride, ego and aspiration. Yet ENVY is a big taboo. We hesitate to show it. We disguise it as something else.

The Concert Performance MISUNDELSE (ENVY) is set on exploring this fact. Acclaimed and relentless pianist and performer Eriko Makimura is going to draw this dark, human condition into the light. Together with a Japanese guest performer Yoshiaki Iwao and through an explosive programme of music (from Lunatic Lullaby to Paraphrase über “Dies Irae”) and performance, Eriko Makimura will create a portrait of ENVY that forces us to look at ourselves.

Eriko herself says about the shows: “We are looking deep within and scooping out our darkest emotions. It might feel both painful and violent. But in the end, we will know more about who we are. Please come and share the experience.”


16th – 17th – 18th – 19th of November 2017

20:00 (doors: 19:30)

full programme: tba

ticket sale:

ENVY is an officially authorized event for celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Japan-Denmark diplomatic relations in 2017.



【in Danish】

MISUNDELSE: En af de mest håbløse og ukontrollable menneskelige følelser. Vi viser ikke vores misundelse frem. Vi forklæder den som noget andet.

KØB BILLETTER HER til en koncertperformance ud over det sædvanlige, når den virtuose Eriko Makimura kombinerer klassisk musik med smertefuld performance.


Forestillingen og musikprogrammet er bygget op om det voldsomme møde mellem en mand og en kvinde, der drages mod hinanden som individer, men opfører sig som skabeloner.

Kønnene optræder som nærmest voldeligt uforenelige symboler. Længslen efter symbiose bliver til grænse­overskridelse og selv den andens ekstase udløser MISUNDELSE.

Dies Irae I: Merinthophobia
1: A Case of A Japanese Couple
Dies Irae II: The God of The Tides
2: F. Kreisler/S. Rachmaninoff: Liebesleid and Liebesfreud
Dies Irae III: Lunatic Lullaby
3: F. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No.2
Dies Irae IV: Missing Fathers
4: Addiction
Dies Irae V: Gregorian Chant “Dies Irae”
Music 5: F. Liszt: Danse Macabre

16·17·18·19 nov. kl 20 (døre åbner 19.30)

Eriko Makimura: Koncept, pianist, performer
Yoshiaki Iwao: Danser, performer
Sofia Ivarsson: Lysdesigner

billet salg:

ERIKO MAKIMURA er japansk klassisk uddannet, prisbelønnet koncertpianist. I 2008 grundlagde hun Eriko Makimura & Co, et netværk for piano og performancekunst, og har siden da gjort det klassiske koncertformat til sit helt eget.

Makimura turnerer i hele verden, men har et særlig nært forhold til Danmark, hvor hun blandt andet har optrådt på Nationalmuseet og Kunsthal Charlottenborg og samarbejdet / optrådt med en lang række danske teaterfolk og musikere.

in Japanese (日本語)】

コンサートピアニスト牧村英里子演出の七つの大罪を原案としたコンサートパフォーマンス「MISUNDELSE (嫉妬)」が、来たる2017年11月16日〜19日、コペンハーゲンのKoncertKirken にて4夜連続で上演されます。昨年11月に上演され、大きな反響をよんだ「FRÅDSERI (飽食)」に引き続き、七つの大罪シリーズ第二弾となります。

各国のアートプロジェクトのプロデューサー、ダイレクターでもある牧村英里子は、芸術シーンを牽引するアーティストとしてスカンジナビア諸国をはじめ、ギリシャ、ポーランド、マレーシア、日本等、世界各地で精力的に活動しています。京都市立芸術大学並びに同大学院、ベルリン芸術大学、ハノーファー音楽大学に学び、日本・ヨーロッパにおいて数々のコンクールでの優勝歴のある牧村英里子は、2010年より独自の新しいアートフォーム「コンサートパフォーマンス」「CHAMBER CABARET」を確立、高い評価を受けています。

MISUNDELSEとは、日本語では「嫉妬」と訳され、主にカトリック教会で言及される、人間を罪に導く可能性があるとされる「七つの大罪」〜7つの欲望や感情〜 のうちのひとつです。「七つの大罪」はしばしば芸術のモチーフとして取り上げられ、ヨーロッパでは古くから多くの芸術家によって様々な解釈・表現がなされてきました。




企画原作・ピアノ:牧村 英里子
ゲストパフォーマー:巖 (いわお) 良明
照明デザイナー:Sofia Ivarsson
撮影・グラフィック:笠間 妙子
日時:2017年11月16, 17, 18, 19日 20:00開演

会場:KoncertKirken (Blågårds Plads 6A, 2200 København N)




お問合せ:Sigrún Gudbrandsdóttir(広報)



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