I am so grateful from the bottom of my heart to the super passionate journalist Silas Bay Nielsen from DR and the absolutely dedicated photographer Andreas Bro for this photo journalistic article ❤️❤️❤️ Three photo shoots in three different locations within four hours and intensive interview were 100 million% worth it. Tuuuuuuusind tak 💋💋💋
We will not rock you but we will we will CHOPIN you and we will even BASEBALL you 😎. Sounds ridiculous? NO. NEJ. NEIN. NIE. いいえ。The documentary “BEING ERIKO” is going to have its premiere in Copenhagen International Documentary Festival (CPH:DOX)’s digital platform on 18.03 (Wed). Please prepare a bottle/bottles of wine, water, your favorite snacks and a white linen handkerchief trimmed with hand knitted delicate lace at home. Online tickets are available from 14:00 on 16.03 (Mon.) in Denmark time 🖤
It is available to watch BEING ERIKO from 18.03 to 30.04 (audience who live in Danish territories).