Photo Documentation of LYST/LUST

photo: Carsten Sparwath
photo: Helle Arensbak
photo: Helle Arensbak
photo: Helle Arensbak
photo: Helle Arensbak
photo: Dan Simon
photo: Helle Arensbak
photo: Helle Arensbak
photo: Grethe Behncke Andersen
photo: Sigrun Gudbrandsdottir
graphic: Mathilde Thorup

My biggest thanks to artist/lighting designer and soulmate Sofia Ivarsson 🙏

Sofia Ivarsson:

Frida Barfod × Eriko Makimura by Rita Blue

Photography: Rita Blue
Hats: Frida Barfod

@theinfiniteprocess @that.danish.girl
Make up: Ramona Macho

Styling and Model: Eriko Makimura
Location: Arne Akael venue

(What a beautiful boutique… it is my/our own Shangri-la 💙)

【Celebration of the Grand Finale on 20.11】

We are going to wrap our seven-year-project Concert Performance Series “Seven Deadly Sins” and would love to celebrate with you on Sunday the 20th!!

After a performance LYST/LUST on Sunday, we will throw an after party and everyone’s darling Ramona Macho will sing! What an honor!! Ericoconutcase will accompany her with joy 🥥🌴. 

⚘ Koncertperformance LYST ⚘

Grand Finale on 20.11 (Sun.) 18:00 

After party/concert with Ramona Macho

Note: Ramona will sing only on Sunday after the performance LUST/LYST  ❤️


always with

lighting designer/artist: Sofia Ivarsson

visual designer: Mathilde Thorup

【⚘ Koncertperformance LYST/LUST ⚘】

We are going to celebrate our 7th anniversary of the Concert Performance Series “Seven Deadly Sins” in November 18-19-20. It is the Grand Finale of a seven-year project. Seven…

– Koncertperformance ⚘ LYST/LUST⚘–
Concert Performance LYST/LUST is Eriko Makimura’s lively interpretation of the deadly sin LUST, from which she with classical music and performative storytelling draws parallels to her own life. 

Makimura’s seven year mastodont project has put the deadly sins in relation to our time, and used them as a frame to examine the graytones and in-betweens of life. Which role does the (deadly) sins play when we experience them today? Are they good moral compasses to live by? Are they religion’s attempts to oppress us? Or do they contribute to oversimplifying and belittling the complex and contradictory sides which live inside all of us? 

Philosophy, ethics, comedy, tragedy, (Japanese/Swedish/Danish and 🌐) superstition, life, death and rebirth meet in this year’s concert performance, which, as traditions has it, is taking place at the holy space of KoncertKirken in the greyest month of the year, November.

   “Året har 16 måneder: 
november, december, januar, februar, marts, april, maj, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november, november, november, november” 

(by Henrik Nordbrandt)

We are inviting you to meet both new and old acquaintances, experience piano pieces tearing at your hearts and get at least a few out-of-place surprises. Lots of quirkiest humor on top of it ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘ ⚘

See you soon 🍐

KoncertKirken (Blågårds Plads 6A)

【Dates and Time】
18.11 (Fri.) at 20:00
19.11 (Sat.) at 20:00
20.11 (Sun.) at 18:00 +after party +extravaganza concert with an extravaganza diva (more info coming up 🔜!!!!!)

Blågårds Plads 6A, 2200 Copenhagen N

【Tickets】 terrible -663579?fbclid=IwAR0l_w7c2Dtc8UqBGP74ZWi2SvQ0xKDa-tpPa1r60D1Jgw2fayyqpyzYKh4

Concert Pianist/Stage Performer/Concept Maker: Eriko Makimura
Lighting Designer/Artist: Sofia Ivarsson
Visual Designer: Mathilde Thorup
Photo: Joséphine Marinho

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