Tack så mycket for opening a new door to the irresistibly enchanting space @o2scenkonst 🙏 The place you MUST visit for whole new experiences when you are in Stockholm 🇸🇪.
The articles about Vig Go and Ramona’s essential activities were out both in Denmark and Japan individually on the same day and it can’t be coincidence 🌈❤️. Sending you much gratitudes from Japan 🔥💪.
【Workshop/Lecture at “Lifeline for Lives in Kobe”】
Ramona and I were invited by social welfare corporation “Hotline for Lives in Kobe (launched for suicide prevention)” as lecturers. We spent our time together with counselors in fruitful and deeply meaningful ways. Tusind tak and ありがとうございます。
Special thanks to our dear friend and artist Thomas Winkler for extravaganza kimono dresses. We kicked off our lecture talking about you and your mesmerizing creations ❤️
2021年、コペンハーゲンの劇場、Sort/Hvid のシーズンオープニングアーティストに選出され「Dies Irae」を発表。またストックホルムにて「Eriko – A Woman Who Can’t Say No」を初演。2022年、スウェーデン文化財団の助成を受け、国立文化劇場にて主役に抜擢される。ボー/ラモーナの親友。