Concert Performance DOVENSKAB/SLOTH/怠惰

(English Text by Sofia Ivarsson 🙏)

The third week of November is almost here. Isn’t that the best time of the year to indulge in endless laziness? At least- that must be a perfect reason to drag your most lazy selves out to see Eriko Makimura & Co perform, perceive and pursue the deadly sin we named SLOTH.

The fundamental question is whether laziness still serves a purpose as a deadly sin, or if it rather has become a survival mechanism, that we all desperately need in order to go on living.

The pianist is a sad case, since giving in to laziness would mean the end of her career. So we wonder, could we create a new world order, where SLOTH no longer equals death, where even the world famous pianist from Japan could enjoy a few moments of laziness without guilt?

Come and see by yourselves!

Get your tickets here:


Koncertperformance “DOVENSKAB”

(photo and graphics: Kristina Ahm)

For 4. år i træk vender den japanske pianist og performer Eriko Makimura tilbage til KoncertKirken på Nørrebro, for endnu en gang at forvandle en af de syv dødssynder om til en eksplosion af en koncertperformance. 

Eriko Makimura fabulerer over dødssynden DOVENSKAB’s yderste og inderste aspekter, hvor og hvorfor den eksisterer og over hvorvidt dovenskaben som dødssynd overhovedet har sin eksistensberettigelse i det senmoderne samfund. Er dovenskaben resultat af, eller roden til det evigt scrollende smartphone-livet, vi som kritiske individer er en del af?

Vær med når Eriko Makimura endnu en gang skaber en eksplosiv, poetisk, reflekterende og visuelt sansende koncertperformance i KoncertKirken på Nørrebro i 3. uge af november 2019.

Pris: 150 kr.
Kan købes i døren før hver forestilling, eller online hos (følg link i eventen).

Dørene åbnes kl. 19.30

Forestillingen starter hver aften kl. 20.00

Varighed: ca. 80 minutter, uden pause

Instruktør & Performer: Eriko Makimura
Lysdesign: Sofia Ivarsson
Foto, grafik & PR: Kristina Ahm


Japanese pianist & performer Eriko Makimura returns to KoncertKirken at Nørrebro for the 4th year in a row, to yet again transform one of the seven deadly sins into an explosive concert performance.

Eriko Makimura speculates upon the deadly sin SLOTH, questioning its inner and outer aspects, where and why it exists, and whether it still can be considered a deadly sin in the late modern society of today. Is sloth the effect or the cause of the constantly scrolling smartphone-biased existence that we as critical individuals are leading?

Experience Eriko Makimura’s explosive, poetic, reflecting and visually sensing concert performance in KoncertKirken at Nørrebro in the 3rd week of November 2019.

Price: 150 dkk.
Can be bought at the door before each performance, or online at (follow link in the event).

Doors at 19.30

The performance starts each night at 20.00

Duration: approx. 80 minutes (no intermission)

Director & Performer: Eriko Makimura
Lighting design: Sofia Ivarsson
Photo, graphics & PR: Kristina Ahm

Cliffhanger to “SLOTH”…
(Concert Performance Series “Seven Deadly Sins”)

“DOVENSKAB” fortsættelse følger…
(Koncertperformance-rækken “De Syv Dødssynder”)

14, 15, 16 of November 2019

@ KoncertKirken

(Blågåreds Plads 6A, Copenhagen)

Tickets are now available here:

More information coming up soon.




「ショパン– 200年の肖像」

オープニング: 2019年10月12日(土)

会場: 兵庫県立美術館

(兵庫県神戸市中央区脇浜海岸通1丁目1-1アトリエ1, 15:00-16:00)


演出・出演: 牧村英里子

(ショパン展のチケットをご購入のお客さまは美術館内のコンサート会場へ無料でご入場頂けますが、先着150名のみとなります。コンサートをご希望の方は10:00より整理券が配布されますので、どうぞお受け取り下さいませ )




北欧の夏2019絶叫中継 〜後編〜

(photo: Ángel David Castillo Instagram: @angel_d_castillo)


北欧の夏2019絶叫中継 〜前編〜



ムシ・ブィチ・ドブジェ 日本ポーランド国交樹立100周年【後編】


ムシ・ブィチ・ドブジェ 日本ポーランド国交樹立100周年【中編】


ムシ・ブィチ・ドブジェ 日本ポーランド国交樹立100周年【前編】


土をこの手に四十一年  陶芸家  道川省三氏




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