japanese chamber cabaret for web1

Place: IT University of Copenhagen   Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300

Doors: 18:30 (snacks by Selfish Sushi Takeaway will be served)
Concert: 19:30

Ticket Fee: 150 kr. (Tickets can be bought at the information desk at ITU and Selfish Sushi Takeawaynow)

Selfish Sushi Takeaway, IT University of Copenhagen にて前売り券をご購入頂けます。当日、受付にても販売致します。

建築賞受賞のスーパーモダンなITUでJapanese Chamber Caberetの世界をお楽しみ下さい。

Toshiro Mayuzumi “BUNRAKU”
Margo Guryan “The Chopsticks Variations”
Don Mclean “Babylon”
Rodion Shschdrin “Quadrille” from the opera “Not Love Alone”
J.S. Bach “Prelude in c minor”  and more

emi hariyama1

emi hariyama2

(both: Emi Hariyama from Berlin Staatsballett )

ITU2(IT University of Copenhagen: Atrium)

Guest: Emi Hariyama ( ballet from Berlin Staatsballett Unter den Linden)
Samira Dayyani (cello)
Kazue Ishiyama
Eriko Makimura (piano)

Mika Yasuoka-Jensen (research fellow, IT University of Copenhagen)
Kazuma Takigawa (photographer)


Embassy of Japan in Denmark
IT University of Copenhagen
*Selfish Sushi Takeaway

*Selfish Sushi Takeaway will serve snacks before the concert!


50% of the concert earnings will be donated for the victims of tsunami in Japan.

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  1. Mika Yasuoka » ITUで震災支援イヴェント — November 2, 2011 @ 12:55

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